Mrs. Michele Stremel

Welcome to Kindergarten in Room 601!
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Welcome back to school and ! I am looking forward to meeting our 2024-2025 SEES scholars and families. Kindergarten is a magical year where our scholars learn and grow in leaps and bounds. I am honored to be able to guide your scholar through this exciting year. Through teamwork we will watch the magic unfold as the students grow in their reading, writing, and mathematical thinking.
I also wanted to give you some friendly reminders to help your child's first day run smoothly:
1) Pack a water bottle with your child's name on it. Please no juice or sweetened drinks as ants can be a problem.
2) Pack a healthy snack.
3) Pack a lunch if your child is not eating in the cafeteria.
4) Dismissal - Please pick your child up at the main gate at 3:10. We will be on the inside of the gate.
5) Supplies - Send your child to school with a backpack, snack, lunch/cafeteria, water bottle.
6) LABEL everything with your child's name on it.
7) Donations - We will be providing the students with necessary supplies including pencil boxes, pencils, Kleenex, baby wipes, expo markers, whiteboard erasers, Purell Hand Sanitizer, crayons, scissors, and glue sticks. Thank you in advance for any donations! We do use our supplies quite often and are greatly appreciative of replenishment. We are asking that the students bring earbuds for the chromebooks. Here is the Amazon Wish ListLink.
9) First Day Form - To help your student's first day run smoothly please fill out the First Day Form. Here is the First Day Form Link.
Thank you for helping ensure that our students are happy and safe.
Thank you for helping ensure that our students are happy and safe.
Thank you for helping ensure that our students are happy and safe.