Welcome 1st graders to room 212!
I am so excited to be your teacher this year!
SOAR and Explore
Please come in and explore our room on Friday, August 16th
from 4:30-6:00 pm. Parents, I am looking forward to meeting
you and your little love!
School Supplies
I will be providing your child with everything they will need
in the classroom for the start of school. We use our supplies
as a class community and are always in need of replenishing. Items we use most frequently are copy paper, colored
card stock, Elmer's glue sticks, skinny black expo markers, tissues, Purell wipes, and any treasure box items you have! Thank you!
Lunch recess is from 11:15-11:35 am, then students have
lunch from 11:35-12:00pm. Lunch will be provided at no cost
for students this year. If students would rather bring their lunch, that is fine as well. Afternoon snack recess is from 1:45-2:05 pm. Please label your child's snack item so they'll know what to have later in the day. First graders get very hungry at the beginning
of the year because of the day being longer than kindergarten.
At the end of the day, parents and older siblings will find our class under solar panel shade structure. It takes a while to get to know each family and their dismissal situation. Please be patient when each child says goodbye to me and points to you.
KOC students will walk to lunch tables to meet the leaders there.