Traffic Plan

To ensure the safety of all students, follow all rules and respect all instructions given by SEES crossing guards and staff. Thank you!



  • From San Elijo Road and Schoolhouse Way: drive down Schoolhouse Way past SEES toward the middle school (SEMS). Turn around using SEMS parking lot and enter SEES drive up queue by turning right into SEES driveway. DO NOT make a u-turn in the middle of Schoolhouse Way.
  • From East Elfin Forest Rd and Schoolhouse Way: drive past SEMS and enter the drive up queue by turning right into the driveway. 
  • NO LEFT TURN PERMITTED INTO SEES DROP OFF LANE FROM 8:05-8:50 AND 2:30-3:30 (1:30-2:30 Wednesdays). 


  • To access our parking lot, drivers may use the left hand turn lane on Schoolhouse Way or enter from the drive up queue. 
  • Drivers choosing to use the parking lot may only drop off or pick up their children if they are parked in a designated parking space.Students must be escorted by an adult across the street and parking lot. 
  • Double parking in the parking lot and on Schoolhouse Way is illegal and will not be tolerated. 
  • Please DO NOT park in staff parking spots or reserved spots.
  • If the parking lot is full, utilize street parking. Use designated crosswalks. DO NOT jaywalk across Schoolhouse Way.


  • If your child is not able to get out of their car seat independently, you must park your car and walk your child to the gate.
  • All students must exit the passenger side of the car within the unloading zone.
  • Drop off lane must keep moving. Pull all the way forward.
  • Drivers may not leave their cars unattended in the drop off 
  • Have backpacks ready and instructions/goodbyes said before entering the drop off queue. 
  • Parking must be in a designated parking space. DO NOT double park. 
  • Parents using the parking lot must walk their child across the crosswalk
  • Fire Lanes are not designated parking spaces


  • TK and Kindergarten families: Parents must park to pick up their students at dismissal.  You are not allowed to leave your vehicle in the drop off lane to pick up your student at the front gate.  
  •  1st-5th grade pick is from 3:10-3:25 (2:10-2:25 Wednesdays). 
  • To expedite pickup, write your student's name and teacher on a piece of paper and place on your passenger side dashboard
  •  Parents must remain inside their vehicle at all times in the drive up lane.

FAQ Re: Traffic at San Elijo Elementary School

1. Q: Why can’t I park on the red curb just to drop off/pick up for KOC? A: The red curbs are fire lanes and must remain clear at all times for the safety of the children. It also impedes drivers that have parked correctly in a space.
2. Q: Why can’t I drive in through the opening to the school at the top of Schoolhouse Way? A: This is an exit only and a sign clearly states DO NO ENTER. It is extremely dangerous to other cars and children and parents crossing the parking lot.
3. Q: Why can’t I drop off in the yellow area that precedes the Drop off zone? A: This area is yellow because it is a designated International Handicap zone that is required by the school district. In order to keep the flow of traffic and ensure the safety of all children, the drop off zone is the only safe area to drop off a child.

4. Q: Why do I have to pull all the way forward in the drop off zone? A: By pulling all the way forward, this allows for the maximum number of cars to enter the drop off zone, and ensures the most efficient flow of traffic.
5. Q: Why can’t I get out to hug my child goodbye in the drop off zone? A: Exiting the vehicle disrupts the timing and flow of traffic in the drop off lane, and also creates a safety hazard for you and/or your child. We ask that you conduct these activities prior to leaving your home, or park your vehicle and walk your child safely to the front gate.
6. Q: Why can’t I help my child out in the drop off zone when no one else is there to help them? A: Children may only use the drop off zone if they can exit the car independently. If assistance is needed please park in a designated parking space.

7. Q: Why can’t my child get out on the left side of the car? A: For safety reasons, all children must exit on the right side of the vehicle. The left side of the drop off lane is adjacent to the bypass lane for cars that do not enter the drop off lane. Additionally, it would require children to navigate between cars to get to the sidewalk if they exited the vehicle on the left side.
8. Q: Why can’t I double park if I’m waiting in the car in the parking lot? A: It is extremely dangerous to double park, cars driving around the double parked vehicle can not see pedestrians walking through the lot and pedestrians can not see incoming cars.
9. Q: Why can’t I drop my child off in the parking lot at the crosswalk?A: For the safety of the children, parents must walk their child across the crosswalk.

10. Q: Why can’t I park in a handicap space if no one else is there? A: It is against the law to park in a handicap space without the proper handicap designation.
11. Q: Why can't I jaywalk on Schoolhouse Way? A: Crosswalks have been provided and are staffed by trained crossing guards. It is illegal and unsafe to jaywalk. Please be the proper example to all students by using our crosswalks. 

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