School Social Work and Counseling Services


To reduce the barriers to learning by establishing and maintaining effective communication between staff, students, and parents for the purpose of improving student success in the school setting. We support at-risk students and their families with strengthened parent involvement in the educational process with an emphasis on increasing appropriate behaviors, improving attendance, increasing academic success, and providing the school with universal programs to meet social emotional needs.

  • What type of services are provided at my school?
  • Assist in the implementation of school-wide positive behavioral support strategies          

      Meet with a committee monthly to discuss behavior trends and interventions    

      Classroom presentations using Second Step curriculum and on bullying, friendship, kindness  

  • Assist with promoting positive attendance & handling attendance issues     
  • Provide community resources to students and families
  • Provide short-term group or individual counseling for targeted students in order to help reduce barriers to academic performance
      • Counseling Topics include coping skills, social skills, emotional literacy, problem-solving, impulse control, healthy communication, self-esteem, empathy
  • Provide crisis intervention services
      • Suicide risk assessments, coordinate safety plans, consultation, conflict meditation, walk-ins                   
  • Support Foster Youth/McKinney Vento students                
  • Support teachers with social, emotional and behavioral interventions for their students             
  • Continual assessment of needs– collaborate with administration, school psych, and teachers to determine the needs of the school, students, and families  
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