Kirsten Bordonaro

Welcome to Mrs. Bordonaro's 3rd grade class. I am so excited to be your child's teacher this school year. I know we are going to have a wonderful year of learning and discovery. I look forward to meeting all of you!
Meet and Greet!
Please join us on Friday, August 16th from 4:30-6pm for our Soar and Explore event. We will be in room 312. You will be able to walk through with your child and take a look at where your child will spend their third grade year. I look forward to meeting you and your child! Please fill out this survey before the first day of school. I will also be emailing it to you.
School Supplies
I will be providing your child with everything they will need in the classroom for the start of school. We use our supplies very frequently and are always in need of classroom donations. Items we use most frequently are copy paper, Ticonderoga Pencils, skinny black expo markers, tissues, Clorox wipes, and student store items! I will be sending a wishlist if you'd like to donate to our student store as the year begins. Thank you!