Rainy Day Plan

2023-2024 Rainy Day Plan

We encourage you to carpool on rainy days and not use the drive-up lane.

Please let your child know what your plans are.

If you are picking up your student via drive up lane
(PLEASE have a NAME PLACARD on your dashboard so we can identify the students quickly)

Please read this notice carefully as changes were made and ALL grades are impacted.  

TK Drop Off

During rain, we ask all TK students to enter through the main gate and go directly to their classroom. TK Students will walk by themselves to the classroom without parents.

TK Pick Up

Parents must park or walk to the front of the campus.  Parents can pick up students from front office.

Grades K-5 Morning Drop Off

The drive up lane will be open and students will go straight to their classrooms starting at 8:15 am.

Drive Up Lane – Grades K-5

The drive up lane will be open. Students wait under the solar power panels in the front of school. If it is raining heavily, students will be in the MPR and students will be notified when parents are in the drive up lane.

Parking and picking up? - Grades K-5

Students will be under the solar panels in front of the school.  If it is raining heavily, students will be in the MPR. Parent will notify who they are picking up at the front gate and students will come out to meet them.


Older siblings need to find their younger siblings and stay together in the MPR until their parents are there to pick up. 

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