4th Grade

Fourth Grade is an exciting year with many new privileges and responsibilities. Here are some of the exciting things your child will be learning this year:


Students will be reading both fiction and non-fiction text. Students are particularly focusing on "reading to learn" rather than "learning to read", so there is quite an emphasis on comprehension strategies. Students will be reading from their reading anthologies and literature books such as Island of the Blue Dolphins, and By the Great Horn Spoon. In addition, they will be reading non-fiction texts such as their science and social study textbooks and supplemental materials.


Students will be learning how to write summaries, first person narratives, and opinion pieces.


Students will be utilizing their math facts to do more complex multiplication and division problems. So it is really important to work with your child to make sure he/she has mastered all of the basic facts. In addition, the students will be working with representing fractions and decimals in a variety of ways as well as knowing how to compare and order those numbers on the number line. Also, students will need to know how to compare and order positive and negative integers on the number line.

Social Studies:

Students will be studying California history. It is so much fun learning about the California Indians, the mission system, the ranchos, statehood, the gold rush, and the aqueduct system. Often parents ask about mission projects. As a fourth grade team, we have opted to provide the students an opportunity to do further research on the California mission system either in the form of an enrichment project or as a required culminating project at the end of the year. The project will include the completion of a standards based research report as well as the opportunity to choose supplemental activities from a menu of items that address a wide variety of interests and learning modalities. One of those activities could be constructing a replica of a mission, but would not be a requirement for the project. Each fourth grade teacher will be providing you with additional information regarding the specific requirements for his/her class.


Students will be able to learn about rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, magnetism and electricity, and ecosystems through many hands-on activities in our science lab as well as through classroom instruction using textbooks and supplemental readers.


Students will be assigned approximated 45 minutes a night Monday-Thursday.

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