SEES Transitional Kindergarten Procedures

SEES Transitional Kindergarten Procedures


  We are delighted to be your child’s teachers and are looking forward to an exciting and challenging year of purposeful learning.  Our main goal is to foster a positive learning environment in which we will work with you to enable your child to have a successful year in school. 

 Helpful Hints for the First Week of School

  Your child may sense your feelings about leaving him/her at school. You will help your child feel secure by saying goodbye at the gate and leaving promptly. If your child is crying or upset, please give a hug, tell him/her “I will be back at the end of your school day”, then quickly leave. We PROMISE your child will calm down and join in the class more easily than if you stay. We LOVE all our students and we will take good care of every one of them! 

Absences and Pick-Up Changes                                                        
     Please call the attendance office at (760) 290-2605 to report your child’s absence.  You will be able to leave a message 24 hours a day. 
     A written note or phone call to the office is required if there are any changes to your child’s daily pick up routine.  If you would like to pick up your child from class early, please go to the office first.

Communication with the Teacher  
   Your child will need to bring a letter-sized clipboard to school each day. The clipboard will be our form of communication, so please check it every afternoon. Any messages for us should be written and placed on your child’s clipboard. Remind your child to hand us the note from the clipboard when we go into the classroom. Please do not put notes in your child’s backpack. If your message is urgent, please call the front office and they will give us the message.  Our school phone number is 760-290-2600.  



Behavior Expectations
     Our goal is to bring out the best in each student. In order to obtain the greatest academic and social growth for all students, we use positive redirection and reminders of desired student behavior because we believe all students want to do “the right thing.” Strong emphasis is placed on encouraging positive behaviors.
   We will begin our year learning about rules and responsibilities so the students will understand that rules are fair and have been created for the best atmosphere for learning. We will work to continually promote a respectful community of learners. We appreciate your positive reinforcement of good work habits and responsible behavior at home.

Backpacks and Clipboards             
      Your child will need to bring a REGULAR sized backpack and a letter sized clipboard to school every day.
 Please make sure the clipboard will fit inside the backpack. Snacks and school projects should fit inside easily too.

Names on Personal Items
   Please write your child’s name on all personal items – Jackets, backpacks, water bottles and lunch boxes.  It will greatly increase the odds of the item being returned to your child if it is lost.  The school has a lost and found bin located near the MPR for items without a name.

   Our recess is later in the day.  All students must come to school having had lunch either at home or in the cafeteria. In addition to a lunch at home or in the cafeteria, please send a healthy snack that does not need refrigeration or heating with your child each day.  Please do not send soda or candy.

   On your child’s birthday, he/she will be recognized with a birthday sticker and song.  Because of our unique class, we will do one big “Five Day Celebration” in early December after we all turn 5. Our wonderful room parents will coordinate this celebration and ask for contributions. Please save any treats you want to share with the class for this special celebration.
   Birthday invitations and thank you cards cannot be distributed at school. This is to avoid tears and hurt feelings. Please send invitations and thank you notes through the mail. We will provide a class directory. The directory will only be distributed to the students in our classes.

Clothing, Jewelry and Toys
    Please send your child to school in comfortable shoes (No flip-flops, open-toes or heels) and clothing that will allow him/her to move and play freely. Don’t forget – We will be painting, sitting on the floor and doing other activities that may get clothes dirty.  At this age, jewelry is often a distraction. Students who distract themselves or others with their jewelry will be asked to put it in his/her backpack.  Toys are not allowed in school.

  Please read each evening for at least 15 minutes.  You and your child may read together, you may read out loud to your child, or your child may read to you.  Talk about the story, and begin to ask questions  about the characters, setting, and plot.  Have your child re-tell a familiar story to you.  Change part of the story, make up a new ending, draw a picture of his/her favorite part… the possibilities are endless! This is an important part of your child’s developing comprehension and critical thinking skills that are necessary for school success.

    Homework activities will start in a few weeks and consist of daily reading time and occasional learning games and activities.  These are optional activities that you can enjoy with your child and will go along with our learning standards for that particular month. More details to follow….

   Starting once the students are comfortable with the classroom routines, we will have a sharing time each day, Tuesday through Friday, to develop oral language skills and confidence.  Students will only be allowed to share items that start with our letter of the week.  

Conferences and Report Cards   We will meet for a conference during the week of October 15th. Your student will receive a report card at the end of each semester. (February and June)  More information to follow…

   Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year.  We look forward to partnering with you during this special year in your child’s life!


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