1st Grade

The first grade year is a magical one! Your child will blossom into a confident reader, writer, and mathematician. Parents will be amazed at the growth that is made in this year. The first grade year is also one of transition to the more formal learning environment. Children will still have many opportunities to work and play in hands-on activities, but will also be involved in independent tasks as well.

How will my child's school day be different from kindergarten?

    The school day will be a bit longer. Until the students adjust to the new schedule, they may be very tired during the beginning weeks of first grade. Getting enough rest at night is essential.
    There will be homework. Expect to establish a daily homework routine. The first grade team will be following the district homework policy: ten to twenty minutes, three to four days per week.
    Send healthy foods for snacks & lunches. Lunch will be provided at no cost for students this year. If students would rather bring their lunch, that is fine as well. Label snacks--some children confuse the two and eat all their food for snack.
    It is important to have a positive start to the morning. Be prompt at dropping your child off at school in the morning, so your child will not miss out on important morning routines.
    Be prompt in picking up your child after school. Students often become anxious and worry that their parents aren't coming to pick them up. Notify the teacher before school when your pick-up routine will be different.
      Think carefully about what your child wears and brings to school. Students are often distracted by things like jewelry, "fancy" clothing & accessories, special pens & pencils, and extra school supplies.

First Grade Entrance Expectations

These are the core skills that your child needs to be successful. We will not be reviewing kindergarten standards but moving forward to first grade standards.


Mastery of all letter names and sounds

Blending C/V/C words & simple sentences

Read sight words

Retelling a story in your own words

Writing & Handwriting

  • Using upper and lower case letters properly
  • Forms and spaces upper and lower case letters legibly
  • Write first and last name
  • Write a complete sentence
  • Math
    • Read & legibly write numbers 1-30
      Count objects to 30
      Add and subtract objects to 20 using manipulatives
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