Playground Rules and Games Allowed

Playground Rules

San Elijo has created playground rules to ensure our students' safety and to promote good social skills. Our playground is supervised daily by campus supervisors and school administration. We use positive and negative consequences to help reinforce school-wide discipline. We provide many opportunities for our students to become involved at our school and earn positive rewards. We recognize that students make mistakes, so we want them to learn from these experiences to improve their behavior.

At San Elijo, we  believe in a positive behavior system, however, sometimes we must use consequences for specific behaviors. They are as follows: 

1. Reminders and redirection - if a student is acting inappropriately, staff will give a verbal reminder or redirection.

2. Take a break - if a child is losing self-control; they are told to go to a designated spot to reflect on their behavior. The staff will follow-up with that student and ask them self-reflection questions when they are ready to go back to the playground.

3. Loss of privilege - if a child does not meet school expectations and does not follow playground rules, they may lose a privilege. Loss of privilege could include removal from playground activities, and/or special events.

4. Referral to administration - Depending on the severity of the behavior the school administration may determine additional behavior consequences are required.

Examples of Playground Games Allowed

Handball Wall (only use soft handballs and no kicking the balls against wall) Students are not allowed to stand against the wall, must stay outside the white line to protect their heads.  No small, hard bouncy balls allowed. They must be larger than a grapefruit. 

Jump rope- ropes are not allowed to be tied to the fence




Four Square


Football "Pass Only"

Games and items NOT allowed 

Sky balls

Two- Touch Football-   This game does not follow our school rule of "keeping hands and feet to yourself." Two-Touch Football often results in student aggression and unwanted behaviors. Organized football from PE staff or supervisors may be played on specific days of the week. 

Tag- This game does not follow our school rule of "keeping hands and feet to yourself." Tagging often results in student aggression and unwanted behaviors. Students do have an opportunity to play "tag like games" during P.E. and  when there is a teacher to supervise the game.

Three Flies Up - This game is played when one person throws a football up and students run for the ball at the same time.  Student have been hit their heads and have been pushed down playing this game.  We want to maintain a safe playground environment, therefore, this game is not allowed.

Gymnastics (no flips, handsprings)... Cartwheels are okay! 

Tennis and baseballs



Dodge Ball - This game may be played during an organized game with a teacher/supervisor

Playground Equipment Rules

Slides- Only go down slides, 1 person at a time.  No climbing up any of our slides.

Play structure- No running or jumping off the play structure.

Parallel Bars- limit to 4 students at a time, flipping and hanging is allowed

Hanging Bar- Students are not allowed to flip off the bars.  Students are able to do flips on the lower two bars but not the high bar.  Hands must be on the bars at all times. 

Playground area- No running allowed on the blue playground structure area, please run on the grass or blacktop

                                                                        Lunch Table Procedures

Students sit at assigned classroom tables for the first few weeks of school to build community and connections with their classroom.  Administration will determine when students are able to sit with their peers from different classes and can assign students back to sit with their classroom based on behavior. 

Students must sit down while they eat, there is no running around the Lunch Table area.

Students must throw away their trash before being dismissed from the Lunch Table area.

Students must ask permission to leave the tables. 

Students will be dismissed by table groups to ensure that all students are accountable and working together as a team to ensure they leave the lunch table area clean. 

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